Hospital Centre S. Januário (Government)
Address: Estrada do Visconde de S. Januário
Enquiries: (853) 2831 3731
(Provides 24-hour emergency services)
Island Emergency Station of Hospital Centre S. Januário (Government)
Address: Block H (next to University Hospital), Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa
Enquiries: (853) 2899 2230
(Provides 24-hour emergency services)
Kiang Wu Hospital (Private)
Address: Estrada Coelho do Amaral
Enquiries: (853) 2837 1333
(Provides 24-hour emergency services)
University Hospital (Private)
Address: Block H, Macau University of Science and Technology, Avenida Wai Long, Taipa
Enquiries: (853) 2882 1838